Nov 7, 2024 | Investment Fraud

SHERWIN SARGEANT of Planmember Securities is BARRED

Losses with Troy Orlando of Craft Capital in New York, NY

 Sherwin Sargeant, Formerly with Planmember Securities, Barred from Securities Industry

ORLANDO, FLORIDA     Did you invest in crypto with financial advisor Sherwin Sargeant in Orlando, Florida? Israels & Neuman is looking into claims made by FINRA against this advisor, who was an affiliate of Planmember Securities.  He was barred from the securities brokerage industry by FINRA after refusing to cooperate with a FINRA investigation.

FINRA’s Letter of Acceptance, Waiver, and Consent (AWC) alleges that Sargeant was being investigated for undisclosed outside business activities.  In particular, FINRA was looking into his involvement with crypto investments.  He then refused to comply with FINRA.

Sherwin Sargeant was registered with Planmember Securities from December 2019 to July 2023.  He worked in Orlando, Florida.  He also operated his own business called Retirement Planning Associates.

Planmember Securities has an obligation to reasonably monitor their financial advisors.  If the firm fails to do so, they could be liable for investor losses.  Attorney David Neuman is licensed to practice law in Florida, and we have represented over 1,000 investors against brokerage firms.



If you lost money with Sherwin Sargeant, or Planmember Securities, contact the law firm of ISRAELS & NEUMAN at (616) 280-4303 or (206) 795-5798 for a Free evaluation of your case.

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