Feb 20, 2023 | Investment Fraud

Advisor BLAKE ESKEW of Merrill Lynch is BARRED

 Blake Eskew, Formerly with Merrill Lynch, Barred from Securities Industry


 Are you a former client of financial advisor Blake Eskew of Merrill Lynch in Germantown, Tennessee? Our securities law firm is looking into claims made against Blake W Eskew.  Eskew was recently barred by FINRA from the securities industry when he refused to cooperate with an investigation.

Eskew’s former brokerage firm, Merrill Lynch, filed an amended Form U5 in May 2022.  The Form U5 alleged that at the time of Eskew’s resignation from Merrill Lynch, he was under internal investigation that “concluded that [Eskew] altered an email requested by the Firm and accepted a trade without proper authorization”.

Blake Eskew was affiliated with Merrill Lynch from July 2018 to March 2022 and with J.P. Morgan from May 2022 to June 2022.  He worked at a Germantown, Tennessee office.

As a licensed financial advisor, Blake Eskew had an obligation to cooperate with any FINRA investigation.  A failure to cooperate with such investigation often leads to discipline, including suspensions or expulsions from the industry.  Moreover, his former brokerage firms had an obligation to reasonably supervise him.

Israels & Neuman is a securities arbitration law firm that has represented over 1,000 investors in the past.  We represent investors throughout the country, including in Tennessee, and we have represented investors against numerous brokerage firms, including Merrill Lynch.

View Eskew, b FINRA AWC

View Eskew, b BrokerCheck 2.20.23

If you lost money with Blake Eskew or Merrill Lynch, contact the law firm of ISRAELS & NEUMAN at (206) 795-5798 for a Free evaluation of your case.

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