May 12, 2023 | Investment Fraud


Michael Rosenmayer, with Oppenheimer & Co., Subject of Numerous Complaints


Have you invested with financial advisor Michael Rosenmayer of Los Angeles, California?  The securities and investment fraud law firm of Israels & Neuman is reviewing allegations made by current and former clients of Michael Rosenmayer.  Rosenmayer has been a financial advisor and registered representative of Oppenheimer & Co. since 2007 in a Los Angeles, California branch office.

Michael H. Rosenmayer has been the subject of 22 customer complaints during his 30 years in the securities industry (10 of the complaints were denied without compensation).  A recent complaint made in March 2023 alleges that he made unsuitable recommendations to invest in Capital Trust Agency Florida Senior Living Bonds.  The Capital Trust Agency Florida Senior Living Bonds allegedly lost $231,000.

Oppenheimer & Co. has a responsibility to supervise its representatives like Michael Rosenmayer.  The brokerage firm is required to supervise whether its representatives are making suitable investment recommendations under Rule 2111.  Failing to properly supervise a representative can lead to liability for the brokerage firm.

Israels & Neuman PLC is a securities and investment fraud law firm with offices in Denver, Colorado; Phoenix, Arizona; Ann Arbor, Michigan and Seattle, Washington.  Our attorneys represent investors in FINRA arbitration proceedings in all 50 states, including investors in southern California and Los Angeles.  Our attorneys have recovered millions of dollars for investors against many brokerage firms in the past, including against Oppenheimer & Co.

View Rosenmayer, m BrokerCheck 5.11.23

If you lost money with Michael Rosenmayer or Oppenheimer & Co., please Contact Us at 206-795-5798 for a free evaluation of your case.



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