Jun 9, 2023 | Investment Fraud

ZACHARY TAYLOR of Oppenheimer in Newport Beach, CA is Discharged

Zachary Taylor Discharged with Oppenheimer & Company


Are you a former client of financial advisor Zachary Taylor, formerly with Oppenheimer & Company in Newport Beach, California? We are reviewing allegations that appear on Mr. Taylor’s BrokerCheck report.  Zachary Taylor was discharged by Oppenheimer & Company in May 2023.

According to BrokerCheck, Zachary Ellis Taylor was discharged because he “was unable to provide sufficient documentary evidence to support his contention that he had authority for all trades in a client’s account”.  Additionally, Taylor is the subject of an April 2022 customer complaint, where a customer alleged that Taylor engaged in unauthorized trading and made unsuitable investment recommendations.

Generally, financial advisors must get approval to buy and sell securities before each transaction, unless they have written authority to engage in discretionary trading.  Taylor was employed with Oppenheimer & Company from August 2020 to May 2023, working in an Newport Beach, California branch.  Taylor also previously worked with Merrill Lynch.

Our securities arbitration and investment fraud law firm represents clients all over the country, including investors in California.  We have represented over one thousand investors against numerous firms, including against Oppenheimer & Company.

View Taylor, z BrokerCheck 6.9.23

If you lost money with Zachary Taylor or Oppenheimer & Company, please Contact Us at 206-795-5798 for a free evaluation of your case.


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