Daniel Lauletta, formerly with MML Investors Services, Barred by Arkansas
Did you invest with financial advisor, Daniel Lauletta of Cleveland, Ohio? The securities and investment fraud law firm of Israels & Neuman is reviewing allegations made by the Arkansas Securities Department, against Daniel Lauletta. Arkansas revoked his securities license regarding allegations that he breached his fiduciary duty to customers. In particular, Arkansas alleged that he advised two customers to liquidate securities to purchase unsuitable insurance products and annuities.
Daniel Lauletta had been affiliated with MML Investors Services from March 2017 to April 2022. He worked in a Cleveland, Ohio office. Lauletta has also been the subject of six customer complaints, and he was terminated by MML Investors Services after it learned of the Arkansas investigation.
MML Investors Services must reasonably supervise the activities of its representatives. The brokerage firm could be held liable for Lauletta’s conduct if it failed to reasonably supervise him.
Israels & Neuman PLC is an investment fraud law firm that represents investors all over the country in FINRA arbitration. We have represented numerous investors in Ohio in the past, and we have also had prior claims against MML Investors Services.
View Lauletta, d BrokerCheck 6.28.23
If you lost money with Daniel Lauletta or MML Investors Services, please Contact Us at 206-795-5798 for a free evaluation of your case.