Jul 10, 2023 | Investment Fraud

JASON WALSH of Network 1 Financial Subject of COMPLAINTS

Jason Walsh, Formerly with Network 1 Financial Securities, Subject of Customer Complaints


Have you lost money with financial advisor Jason Walsh, formerly with Network 1 Financial Securities in Hauppauge, New York?  A customer recently filed a complaint against the brokerage firm in FINRA arbitration, making allegations against Jason Walsh.  The complaint alleges that he breached his fiduciary duty related to stocks and alleges $3.7 million in damages.

Jason J. Walsh had been a financial advisor and registered representative of Network 1 Financial Securities from May 2020 to May 2022.  He now works with PHX Financial.  He worked at a branch office in Hauppauge, New York.  In addition to this complaint, Walsh has been the subject of two other complaints, as well as a tax lien.

If a financial advisor or brokerage firm makes an unsuitable investment recommendation to a customer, that customer may be able to sue the advisor and/or firm for financial losses.  The suitability rule is governed by FINRA Rule 2111.

View Walsh, j BrokerCheck 7.9.23

If you lost money with Jason Walsh or Network 1 Financial Securities, please Contact Us at 206-795-5798 for a free evaluation of your case.



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