Sep 21, 2023 | Investment Fraud

LESLIE JACKSON of Momentum Independent is BARRED

Leslie Jackson, Formerly with Momentum Independent Network, Barred from Securities Industry


Have you invested with stockbroker Leslie Jackson also known as Les Don Jackson in Dallas, Texas? The securities and investment fraud law firm of Israels & Neuman is looking into allegations made against Leslie Jackson, formerly with Momentum Independent Network.  FINRA’s Disciplinary Database shows that he was barred from the securities industry.

In December 2022, Jackson was fired by Momentum Independent Network.  He allegedly sold promissory notes in a company that financed construction, without disclosing these sales to his brokerage firm.   An investor also sued over the promissory notes, alleging $675,000 in damages.

Les Don Jackson was licensed with Momentum Independent Network from 1991 to December 2022.  He worked in Dallas, Texas.

Brokerage firms have obligations to reasonably supervise their representatives.  A failure to do so could lead to liability for investor losses.  Our law firm that has represented over 1,000 investors in the past, including numerous investors in Texas.


 View Jackson’s BrokerCheck Report HERE

If you lost money with Leslie Jackson, or Momentum Independent Network, contact the law firm of ISRAELS & NEUMAN at (206) 795-5798 for a Free evaluation of your case.


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