Sep 17, 2024 | Investment Fraud

ASHLEE GODFREY of Wells Fargo in Dalton is BARRED

 Ashlee Godfrey of Wells Fargo is Barred from the Securities Industry

DALTON, GEORGIA     Are you a former client of financial advisor Ashlee Godfrey in Dalton, Georgia? The securities and investment fraud law firm of Israels & Neuman is reviewing claims made against this advisor, who previously worked with Wells Fargo from 2014 to October 2021.  In September 2024, she was barred from the securities industry by FINRA when she refused to respond to a FINRA investigation.

Ashlee N. Godfrey was being investigated by FINRA regarding allegations from her former customers that she misrepresented that their investments were “insured” but instead lost money.  She also allegedly sent electronic communications through an app that was not approved by Wells Fargo.

Ashlee Godfrey was registered with Wells Fargo, as well as Benjamin F. Edwards & Company.  She worked in Dalton, Georgia.

Firms like Wells Fargo must reasonably supervise the conduct of their financial advisors.  If they don’t, they could be liable for investor losses.  Our law firm that has represented thousands of investors in the past, including numerous investors in Georgia.



If you lost money with Ashlee Godfrey, or Wells Fargo, contact the law firm of ISRAELS & NEUMAN at (206) 795-5798 for a Free evaluation of your case.


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