BRETT HARTVIGSON of Independent Financial is BARRED

Brett Hartvigson Formerly with Independent Financial Group Barred

SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA     Are you a former client of advisor Brett Hartvigson in San Diego, California? The securities and investment fraud law firm of Israels & Neuman is reviewing allegations made against Brett Hartvigson, formerly with Independent Financial Group.  Mr. Hartvigson was the subject of a complaint made to FINRA, but he refused to respond to FINRA’s inquiry.  As such, he was barred from the securities industry.

Brett Hartvigson was licensed with Independent Financial Group and Farmers Insurance from April 2009 to October 2023.  He worked in San Diego, California.   He also has been the subject of four customer complaints (including one case that settled for $350,000 in 2021), two financial compromises, and he was terminated by another firm in 2009.

Independent Financial Group must reasonably supervise the conduct of its representatives.  If the firm fails to do so, it could be responsible for investor losses.  Our law firm that has recovered millions of dollars for investors in the past, and have represented numerous investors in California.


 View BrokerCheck Report HERE

If you lost money with Brett Hartvigson, or Independent Financial Group, contact the law firm of ISRAELS & NEUMAN at (206) 795-5798 for a Free evaluation of your case.


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