Apr 9, 2023 | Investment Fraud


 Alvery Bartlett, Formerly with Berthel Fisher, Subject of Six Complaints


 Did you have investments with financial advisor Alvery Bartlett, who had been an advisor with Berthel Fisher in St. Louis, Missouri?  The securities and investment fraud law firm of Israels & Neuman is examining allegations made by customers of Alvery A. Bartlett, Jr.

Mr. Alvery Bartlett had been a representative of Berthel Fisher from 1992 to August 2016, and  was later affiliated with Arete Wealth Management and Aegis Capital.  He also runs Alvery Bartlett Fund Management Company.

Bartlett has been the subject of six customer complaints, one of which was filed in February 2023.  The most recent complaint, filed in Linn County, Iowa, alleges that Bartlett misrepresented risks of oil and gas investments, real estate securities, promissory notes, and private placements.  The alleged financial losses were $10 million.

Since he was a licensed financial advisor, Bartlett must follow FINRA rules, including FINRA’s suitability rule, Rule 2111.  Brokerage firms also are required to adequately supervise the conduct of their advisors.  Violations of these rules can lead to financial liability for the broker or firm.

Our securities law firm represent investors in FINRA arbitration proceedings all over the country, including in Missouri and Iowa.  Our attorneys have recovered millions of dollars for investors against many brokerage firms in the past, including against Berthel Fisher.

View Bartlett, a BrokerCheck 4.8.23

If you lost money with Alvery Bartlett or Berthel Fisher, contact the law firm of ISRAELS & NEUMAN at (206) 795-5798 for a Free evaluation of your case.

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