Mar 3, 2023 | Investment Fraud

Complaints Against LIBERTAD ORTIZ CONTRERAS for Northstar Financial Sales

 Israels & Neuman, PLC Investigates Libertad Ortiz Contreras, Formerly with Raymond James Financial, For Selling Northstar Financial Services


 Did you invest in Northstar Financial Services with Libertad Ortiz Contreras, formerly with Raymond James Financial and now with Flourish Financial in New York, New York?  Our law firm is reviewing allegations made against Libertad Ortiz Contreras, who has been the subject of a recent customer complaint.  The complaint alleges an unsuitable investment in an offshore product called Northstar Financial Services (Bermuda).  Northstar is now under liquidation order, and investors have likely suffered substantial losses in the investment.

From 2004 to February 2018, Libertad Ortiz Contreras was affiliated with Raymond James.  Ortiz Contreras then worked for Flourish Financial beginning in April 2019.  Ortiz Contreras has worked in New York City.  She was also fired by Raymond James for making representations about an offshore investment (like Northstar Financial) that was not “fair and balanced”.

The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) regulates the securities brokerage industry.  FINRA Rules require investment recommendations to be suitable for the customer based on factors like the customer’s risk tolerance, investment objectives, age, and other circumstances.  Violations of this rule can result in liability for the broker and/or brokerage firm.

Our securities arbitration law firm has talked with investors who have lost money in other offshore investments currently in the liquidation process like Northstar Financial Services Bermuda.

View Ortiz, l BrokerCheck 3.3.23

If you lost money with Libertad Ortiz Contreras, Northstar Financial, or Raymond James Financial, contact the law firm of ISRAELS & NEUMAN at (206) 795-5798 for a Free evaluation of your case.


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