Jun 10, 2024 | Investment Fraud

ERIC ANTHONY DUPRE is FIRED by Ameriprise Financial

Losses with Robert Dechick with DH Hill Securities in Clermont, FL

Ameriprise Financial Fires Advisor Eric Anthony Dupre

SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS     Are you a former customer of financial advisor Eric Anthony Dupre from San Antonio, Texas? The securities and investment fraud law firm of Israels & Neuman is reviewing allegations made against this advisor.  He was fired by Ameriprise Financial Services in March 2024.

Ameriprise terminated Mr. Dupre in December 2023.  According to BrokerCheck, he allegedly borrowed money from clients, which is generally not allowed under FINRA Rules.  Additionally, he has been the subject of a $4 million customer complaint, in which the customer alleges that Dupre recommended to the customer to make cryptocurrency investments and other unsuitable investments. 

Eric Anthony Dupre had been with Ameriprise from June 2020 to December 2023.  He worked in a San Antonio, Texas branch office, and was previously with Raymond James.

Ameriprise is a FINRA member firm and must have written supervisory and compliance procedures, under securities rules and regulations.  If the firm failed to reasonably supervise its financial advisors, it may be liable for customer losses.

Our firm has represented numerous investors throughout Texas and have sued many brokerage firms in the past.

            View BrokerCheck report here

If you lost money with Eric Anthony Dupre or Ameriprise, please Contact Us at 206-795-5798 for a free evaluation of your case.


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