Investigation of ERIC BURTON, Cetera Advisors and LPL Financial

ORLAND PARK, ILLINOIS –  Have you lost money with financial advisor Eric P. Burton. of Orland Park, Illinois?  We are investigating allegations made by FINRA, the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, against Eric Burton.  FINRA suspended Burton for three months and fined him $5,000.  Burton was being investigated regarding allegations that he falsified documents in connection with 22 variable annuity exchanges.

Eric Burton was a financial advisor and registered representative of LPL Financial from April 2016 to March 2019.  He has been with Cetera Advisors from February 2019 to the present.  He worked at a branch office in Orland Park, Illinois.  Burton has also been the subject of two customer complaints regarding variable annuities.

Brokerage firms like LPL Financial and Cetera Advisors have a responsibility to adequately supervise all representatives who are registered through their firm.  Brokerage firms also must take steps to ensure that their financial advisors follow all securities rules and regulations, as well as internal firm policies.  When brokerage firms fail to adequately supervise their registered representatives, they may be liable for investment losses sustained by customers.

Israels & Neuman PLC is a securities and investment fraud law firm with offices in Denver, Colorado; Phoenix, Arizona; Seattle, Washington; and Ann Arbor, Michigan.  We represent investors in FINRA arbitration proceedings in all 50 states, including investors in Illinois in the past.  Attorney David Neuman is licensed to practice law in grew up in the Chicagoland area.  Our attorneys have represented over one thousand investors against many brokerage firms in the past.

View BrokerCheck:  Burton, E. BrokerCheck 6.23.21

View FINRA AWC:  Burton, Eric FINRA AWC

If you lost money with Eric Burton, Cetera Advisors, or LPL Financial, please CONTACT ISRAELS & NEUMAN at 720-599-3505 or 206-795-5798 for a free evaluation of your case.


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