Nov 2, 2023 | Investment Fraud

GARY COSTELLO of Truist Investment is FIRED

Gary Costello Fired by Truist Investment Services


Are you a present or former customer of Gary Costello, formerly with Truist Investment Services, in Palm Beach, Florida and also formerly with Oppenheimer in Boca Raton?  FINRA recently reported that Gary Costello was fired by Truist Investment Services in August 2023.  Costello had been licensed with Truist Investment Services between November 2022 and August 2023.  Costello also worked with Oppenheimer from August 2019 to November 2022.

Gary S. Costello’s BrokerCheck report (see link below) discloses that “the firm investigated various trade corrections and margin activity in [Costello’s] personal account as well as his clients accounts”.  Costello has also been the subject of five customer complaints.  The most recent complaint was filed against Oppenheimer, alleging over $2 million in losses.  The Oppenheimer complaint makes allegations concerning stocks, corporate bonds, options, unit investment trusts (UITs), and master limited partnerships (MLPs).

Gary Costello had a duty to follow FINRA rules while working with Truist Investment Services and Oppenheimer.  This includes FINRA Rule 2111, which requires that advisors make suitable investment recommendations.  If that rule was violated, the firms could be liable for investment losses.

Israels & Neuman PLC is an investment fraud law firm with offices in Denver, Seattle, and Phoenix.  We represent investors all over the country, including investors in Florida.  Attorney Dave Neuman is licensed to practice law in Florida.


If you lost money with Gary Costello, Oppenheimer, or Truist Investment Services, please Contact Us at 206-795-5798 for a free evaluation of your case.


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