Jun 2, 2024 | Investment Fraud

Investigation of CHIP WODRICH of Hornor Townsend and Kent

FINRA Seeks to Bar Goodyear Advisor Chip Wodrich

GOODYEAR, AZ     Did you invest with Charles Wodrich, formerly with Hornor Townsend & Kent in Goodyear, Arizona?  Our securities arbitration firm is looking into claims made by FINRA (the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority) against this advisor.  FINRA brought a complaint seeking to bar him from the securities industry.

FINRA began investigating Mr. Wodrich after he was terminated by Hornor Townsend & Kent.  It was alleged that he used an unapproved email address to communicate with clients; that he used discretion in customer accounts; and that he failed to timely forward a customer complaint.  Wodrich has yet to respond to FINRA’s complaint.

Charles Wodrich also known as “Chip”, had been an advisor with Hornor Townsend & Kent from 2013 to August 2022 in a Goodyear, Arizona office.  He has also been the subject of three customer complaints, the most recent of which was made in 2022.

FINRA Rule 8210 provides that advisors are required to respond to FINRA investigations.  Additionally, under FINRA’s supervisory rules, securities brokerage firms must adequately supervise their representatives.  If brokerage firms fail to provide sufficient supervision, the firms could be responsible for financial damages.

Our firm has an office in Phoenix, Arizona and regularly represents investors in the greater Phoenix area.  Moreover, attorney Aaron Israels is licensed to practice law in Arizona.

If you lost money with Chip Wodrich or Hornor Townsend & Kent, please Contact Us at 206-795-5798 for a free evaluation of your case.

View FINRA Complaint HERE

 View BrokerCheck Report HERE

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