May 29, 2024 | Investment Fraud

JEFFREY FURNISS of Lincoln Financial Subject of COMPLAINTS

Jeffrey Furniss, with Lincoln Financial Advisors, Subject of Several Complaints

ANNAPOLIS, MARYLAND     Did you invest in oil and gas with Jeffrey Furniss from Annapolis, Maryland?  Our firm is reviewing allegations made by several customers who filed claims against his brokerage firm, Lincoln Financial Advisors.

According to FINRA’s BrokerCheck, Mr. Furniss has been the subject of five customer complaints, two of which are still pending.  The pending complaint alleges that he sold unsuitable oil and gas investments, which allegedly lost a combined $175,000.  The complaint was part of a class action lawsuit.  Two other complaints involving oil and gas investments from 2022 have already been settled.

Since 2005, Jeffrey Furniss has worked in an Annapolis, Maryland office for Lincoln Financial Advisors.  He also operates Charter Financial Group in Annapolis.

Under FINRA Rules, Furniss must make investment recommendations that are suitable for the customer.  Brokerage firms must perform due diligence on all investment products it sells.  If it failed to adequately perform due diligence, Lincoln Financial Advisors could be liable for investor losses.

BrokerCheck report can be seen HERE

If you lost money with Jeffrey Furniss or Lincoln Financial Advisors, please Contact Us at 206-795-5798 for a free evaluation of your case.


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