Paul Trimber, Formerly with Wells Fargo, Barred
ALEXANDRIA, VIRGINIA Did you invest with Paul Trimber in Alexandria, Virginia? The securities and investment fraud law firm of Israels & Neuman is investigating claims made against this advisor, who previously worked with Wells Fargo. He was recently expelled from the securities brokerage industry by
FINRA after he failed to respond to FINRA’s investigation.The investigation began when Trimber was fired by his brokerage firm in February 2024. He was fired regarding allegations that he admittedly made
unauthorized transfers of client funds to recipients outside the firm.Paul Trimber was registered with Wells Fargo Advisors from 2003 to February 2024 and worked in Alexandria, Virginia.Israels & Neuman has recovered millions of dollars for investors in the past, including numerous investors in Virginia and the Washington, DC area. We have represented investors against numerous brokerage firms, including against Wells Fargo.
FINRA AWC can be found HERE BrokerCheck Report can be found HEREIf you lost money with Paul Trimber, or Wells Fargo Advisors, contact the law firm of ISRAELS & NEUMAN at (206) 795-5798 for a Free evaluation of your case.