Jan 25, 2022 | Investment Fraud

RANDALL MINAS of Stifel Nicolaus, Subject of $500,000 Complaint


Randall Minas has been an advisor with Stifel Nicolaus from February 2017 to the present and has worked in an office in Crown Point, Indiana.  According to the BrokerCheck database maintained by FINRA, Minas has been the subject of a customer complaint that was filed in Denver County District Court in Denver, Colorado.  The complaint was filed in September 2020 and alleges violations of the Colorado Securities Act in regards to the sale of common and preferred stock.

Randall Minas has been licensed with Stifel Nicolaus from February 2017 to the present.  Minas was also previously with City Securities Corp. before joining Stifel.  He maintained an office in Crown Point, Indiana.  Minas has been the subject of six customer complaints, as well as seven financial issues, which include bankruptcies and compromises with creditors.

While Minas is affiliated with Stifel Nicolaus, Stifel Nicolaus has an obligation to reasonably supervise his conduct.  If Stifel Nicolaus fails to do, it can be liable for investor losses.

Israels & Neuman PLC is a securities arbitration and investment fraud law firm with offices in Denver, Colorado; Seattle, Washington; Phoenix, Arizona; and Ann Arbor, Michigan. Attorney Aaron Israels is licensed to practice law in Colorado.  Our firm has handled many FINRA arbitration claims in the past, including claims against Stifel Nicolaus.

Click to view:  Minas, Randall BrokerCheck 1.20.22

If you lost money with Randall Minas or Stifel Nicolaus, contact the law firm of ISRAELS & NEUMAN at (720) 599-3505 or (206) 795-5798 for a Free evaluation of your case.


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