Jun 16, 2022 | Investment Fraud, News


Recovery of Investment Losses with A.G. Morgan, Vincent Camarda, and James McArthur

Massapequa, New York

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE       Israels & Neuman, PLC, a national securities and investment fraud law firm, announces that it is investigating allegations made by the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) related to Vincent Camarda, James McArthur, and A.G. Morgan Financial Advisors.  The SEC claims that Camarda and McArthur were involved in selling $75 million in unregistered securities with a lending company called Complete Business Solutions Group, which did business as Par Funding.  The SEC has further alleged that A.G. Morgan and Camarda violated their fiduciary duties by failing to disclose conflicts of interest.

Complete Business Solutions Group, a/k/a Par Funding, has been placed in receivership in the Southern District of Florida.  It is believed that investors have lost significant amounts of money in Par Funding and its associated entities.

Vincent Camarda was affiliated with a number of brokerage firms while he was alleged to have sold investments in Par Funding.  Securities brokerage firms have legal obligations to reasonably supervise all representatives registered with their firm.  When brokerage firms fail to adhere to their supervisory responsibilities, they can be held liable for investor losses.  Israels & Neuman, PLC is investigating whether Par Funding investors may be able to recover some of their investment losses through securities arbitration with Mr. Carmarda’s former brokerage firms.

If you or someone you know lost money investing with Vincent Camarda, James McArthur, or Par Funding, please call Israels & Neuman for a free consultation.  Our attorneys will personally discuss all of your rights as an investor and the remedies you have related to investment or securities losses.

Email us directly  Aaron Israels  aaron@israelsneuman.com   David Neuman  dave@israelsneuman.com

For more information or a Free case evaluation, CONTACT ISRAELS & NEUMAN at 720-599-3505 or visit us at www.israelsneuman.com.



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