Jun 15, 2024 | Investment Fraud

RONNIE DUMAG of PFS Investments is Now BARRED

Advisor Ronnie Dumag is Barred from the Securities Industry

SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA     Are you a former client of financial advisor Ronnie Dumag? The securities and investment fraud law firm of Israels & Neuman is looking into allegations against this advisor, who previously worked with PFS Investments (Primerica).

Mr. Dumag was barred by FINRA after he refused to respond to an investigation.  FINRA was investigating whether he had converted or stolen funds from an elderly customer.  Since he failed to respond, FINRA expelled him from the securities brokerage industry.

Ronnie Dumag was registered with PFS Investments from 2004 to May 2024, and worked in Sacramento, California.  He also had a $50,000 tax lien in 2020.

Israels & Neuman has recovered millions of dollars for investors in the past, including numerous investors in California.  Our firm has sued many brokerage firms throughout the country.


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If you lost money with Ronnie Dumag, or PFS Investments, contact the law firm of ISRAELS & NEUMAN at (206) 795-5798 for a Free evaluation of your case.

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