STEVEN MUNTIN of Taylor & Morgan Charged with FRAUD


Have you lost money with financial advisor Steven Muntin from Flint, Michigan?  We are looking into allegations against Steven Muntin by the SEC.  Muntin was civilly charged with defrauding an investor.  Muntin used his company Executive Asset Management to charge a customer over $300,000 but never actually invested the money.  Instead, the money was used on his mortgage, health insurance, boat and car loans, and credit card bills.

Steven Muntin was with Taylor & Morgan Asset Management from December 2015 to February 2020.  He worked out of a branch office in Flint, Michigan.  Muntin has also been the subject of at least two customer complaints and six tax liens.

Advisory firms like Taylor & Morgan Asset Management have a responsibility to adequately supervise all representatives who are registered through their firm.  Advisory firms also must take steps to ensure that their advisors follow all securities rules and regulations.  When advisory firms fail to adequately supervise their representatives, they may be liable for investment losses sustained by customers.

Israels & Neuman PLC is a securities and investment fraud law firm with offices in Ann Arbor, Michigan; Denver, Colorado; Seattle, Washington; and Phoenix, Arizona.  We represent investors in FINRA arbitration proceedings in all 50 states, including investors in Michigan.  Attorney Aaron Israels grew up in Michigan, is licensed to practice law in Michigan, and previously practiced in the Detroit area.  Our attorneys have represented over one thousand investors against many brokerage and advisory firms in the past.

View S. Muntin BrokerCheck Report

If you have lost money with Steven Muntin or Taylor & Morgan Asset Management, and want to hear about ALL legal options, CONTACT ISRAELS & NEUMAN LAW at 720-599-3505.

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