Did you invest with financial advisor Thomas Duggan, formerly with Aegis Capital in Melville, New York? Our investment fraud law firm is reviewing claims made by former customers against this advisor.
Thomas Duggan has been the subject of nine customer complaints throughout his career, and eight of those complaints have been made since 2019. Many of the complaints allege that he breached his fiduciary duties and made unsuitable investment recommendations to customers. These cases settled for an aggregate of $1.3 million.
Thomas Duggan was a representative of Aegis Capital from January 2016 to May 2022. He worked in a Melville, New York office.
Israels & Neuman is an investment fraud law firm that represents clients throughout the U.S. We have represented over 1,000 investors against many different firms in the past, including against Aegis Capital.
You can find Thomas Duggan’s BrokerCheck Report HERE.